Inspire and Equip Your Leaders
At Servant Leadership Institute, we are dedicated to inspiring and equipping leaders through programs, workshops, conferences, podcasts, webinars, books and more. Founded in 2008, by renowned speaker and author Art Barter, the Institute seeks to help both individuals and organizations put servant leadership into practice to find meaning and purpose in their work. Additionally, the Institute encourages the fostering of a workplace environment built on trust where all employees and stakeholders can feel fulfilled and succeed.
How May We Serve You?
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Browse an assortment of industry leading leadership books, webinars and digital materials filled with theories and practical methods.
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Hear from leading business professionals as they discuss how implementation of this serve first leadership approach is key to changing the current business landscape today.
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Browse our online journal for inspiration from some of today’s most active servant leaders. New blogs uploaded frequently.
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Why Servant Leadership?
By adopting a “serve first” attitude and implementing proven principles and strategies thousands of people across the globe have enriched their personal and professional lives, built healthier and more profitable companies, and created happier, more engaged employees. Additionally, they have created a respectful, loyal workplace environment centered on teamwork with higher senses of morale and increased productivity.
Ready To Start?
Discover how to become a truly exceptional leader and the many ways Servant Leadership Institute can benefit your organization. Revolutionize your company and your team - get in touch via email at the link below.