Behavior 6: Add Value to Others


Along your servant leadership journey you will ask yourself, “How do I add value to those around me?” This 6th behavior goes hand in hand with serving first: how can you give your all to serve those around you and add value to their lives?

If you begin to meet people where they are, listen, take time to understand, and invest your own time to guide and encourage them along the way, you’ll be well on your way to mastering this behavior! 

One way you can bring value to every encounter is by being aware of your strengths. Take a minute and think about what your strengths are or what you enjoy doing. Maybe you’re a problem solver or a creative thinker. Write down three of your strengths and begin to think about how you can add value to conversations using these three things. When you’re in tune with your strengths, you’re able to confidently focus your energy on solely adding this value to others. You’re not concerned with winning the conversation or getting the group to agree with you; you simply do your part and add as much value as you can.

As you become aware of your qualities and talents, encourage others to explore theirs. When we all have something unique and different to offer, success flows. Time and energy is put toward adding value instead of arguing about differences.

Along your journey you may realize people may not share the same mindset with you.  Whether they’re lacking an open mind or positive outlook, or often disagree with the team, add value by meeting them where they are. Release judgement and focus on how you can work with them to understand their feelings. Simply by listening, you add value by being a positive, non-judgmental presence willing to give your time to others.

Adding value to others can take practice and time, but once you discover your strengths and focus on others’ success instead of your own, you’ll soon realize each encounter holds a vast amount of value ready for you to give and explore.

Click here to listen to our Webinar on Adding Value to Others.


Erin Joyce
Social Media Consultant for the Servant Leadership Institute

Ready to learn even more about adding value to others?  Be sure to reserve your seat for Servant Leadership Conference 2017 here in San Diego.  Register now for early bird special pricing!