Kindness is Alive and Well

For many of us, the world continues to be a scary place, filled with uncertainty and stressful circumstances. But last week as I traveled to the Midwest, I was gifted with the opportunity to look at my country and its culture a little differently. We of the Boomer generation take pleasure at times talking about younger generations with scorn, declaring they are self-centered and only care about what’s expedient for them. But here’s what I encountered out in the real world:

  • A young airport worker, who took my paperwork, entered it in the kiosk for me to check my bag personally when he could have just pointed me in the right direction.

  • Young military men and women solemnly escorting a grieving family whose fallen loved one was making the long trip home.

  • A young girl who offered me her neck pillow to make my middle seat just a bit more comfortable and then shared a little about her life with me.

Kindness is not dead; young people know it matters. At a time when our world encourages us to hang our heads or hold them and wonder when things will get better, every encounter I had with young people gave me hope.

Kindness is not dead; our culture still knows it’s important. This holiday season I learned that giving is as simple as showing respect to one another at a dark hour or offering a soft pillow to someone who needs it. This land of ours is filled with servant leaders; they just don’t know it yet. So, let’s give the gift of optimism to each other as we begin 2017. Happy New Year!


Carol Malinski

Director of Content and Curriculum