2018 Conference Speaker: Dov Baron

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“Authenticity and integrity go hand in hand. However, they don’t necessarily meet up with or marry compassion, empathy, caring or even the high-quality communication skills required for great leadership. Having compassion, empathy, caring or high-quality communication without authenticity and integrity guarantees leadership impotence.”

Intriguing words, right? The thoughts expressed above are from Dov Baron, the latest addition to the speaker lineup for our servant leadership conference 2018. A master storyteller who has been speaking internationally for more than 30 years, Dov is the founder of Full Monty Leadership and The Authentic Speaker Academy for Leadership as well as a bestselling author. His latest book is Fiercely Loyal; How High Performing Companies Develop and Retain Top Talent. In addition, Dov’s influence has created a massive social media platform with over 200,000 followers on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, iTunes, etc.

Our CEO Art Barter met Dov while appearing on his podcast, Leadership and Loyalty, leading to a connection between two leaders who care passionately about what they do. It is our honor to share Dov’s message with you on Feb. 19 and 20 as we Shift into Drive and navigate servant leadership together.