Revisiting The Music of Servant Leadership


After almost a year of planning, SLC2017 is a memory — but the great thing is the Music of Servant Leadership lives on. For those of you who weren’t able to attend, we missed you and invite you to start planning now to attend in 2018.

Here are some memorable pieces of this year’s music:

Art Barter opened the conference showing his musical skills as he challenged us to have the courage to conduct our own orchestras in our organizations. He included the importance of serving all the differing types of “music” our employees represent.  We’ll never forget the image of our attendees actually picking up a baton to lead an imaginary orchestra! Later in the conference, Art continued to teach, sharing five secrets to creating harmony and productivity in our organizations.

Charles Hazlewood taught us that trust is the single most important element of leadership — with a live classical ensemble. Later in his message, he had the whole room singing in four-part harmony, sounding great!

Michael Tatelbame shared on the importance of connecting with our employees and building trust before we lead them to action, and gave us some beautiful examples of how we’re all connected.

We’re thankful for the wit and wisdom of Ken Blanchard, who shared that our effectiveness as leaders is an inside-out job.

For Juliet Funt, the message is about whitespace and how we all need to learn to use it to live more productive, meaningful lives.

Day Two started with a rousing message from Vicki Floyd Clark that focused on understanding we’re all leaders and we can all benefit from practicing the nine behaviors of a servant leader.

Kristen Hadeed brought the Millennial voice to the conference with her story of overcoming challenges to build her successful company, Student MaidTM. Kristen serves her young employees by teaching them life skills before the particulars of the job.

Jim Minarik shared with us the impact a company can make by forming a charitable foundation so the “music” employees create can be heard in the larger community.

How do we know the music will continue? Because of all of you in the servant leadership community who are standing up, speaking up and serving, and showing those around you that leadership that matters is leadership that serves. Here are some ways you can continue the beat:

  • Learn more about servant leadership by hiring Art Barter to speak to your group. Contact Robin Swift, President of SLI at 760-597-3779.

  • Purchase a copy of Farmer Able or Art’s newest book, The Servant Leadership Journal. Both are available on Amazon.

  • Be an ambassador for servant leadership. Share what you learned at the conference with others. Servant leadership isn’t meant to be a secret!

  • Visit our website to stay in touch.

Feel a hug from California and we’ll see you at SLC2018 Feb. 19th  and 20th in San Diego. We can’t wait!