Behavior 9: Live your Transformation


Transformation: (n) A change in form, nature or character.

The final servant leadership behavior is one of great importance as it focuses on bettering oneself and carrying out all the servant leader behaviors in our daily lives. 

Growing in a positive light with each person we come in contact with is a great first step to an empowering transformation. Every day, we pass plenty of people we can add value to. Instead of overthinking an action that may help another, put your servant leadership to work and perform that act of kindness. Open that door for another, compliment a friend, or listen to a family member who needs to clear their mind. As you’re living your path of transformation, It’s okay to keep in mind that not everyone will agree or be on the same page as you. It won’t be easy, but keep trying. Keep a positive attitude and practice, practice, practice!

To continue this empowering transformation, a change in mindset is needed. When we change our mindset to be of service to others, our focus will change from “me, me, me” to “how may I serve.” This is your time to recognize the importance of others, ask how you can be of service, listen to understand, and act out your servant leader behaviors. 

When you make this transformation, your life and those around yours will be improved greatly.