As the Founder and CEO of SLI, Art Barter knows a thing or two about the “serve first” mentality.
It all started with his company, Datron World Communications. After purchasing it back in 2004, he transformed the $10 million company into a $200 million company in just 6 years. In late 2016, Datron received it's largest contract to date of $495 million. Art believes this success is due to the implementation of SL across the organization.
Art Barter
Art is so passionate about SL that he has written a number of books that can help you on your leadership journey.
The Art of Servant Leadership II
The Art of Servant Leadership II instructs modern business leaders on how to transform their businesses to SL organizations that prioritize integrity over profitability. By integrating the SL paradigm into their inner lives and professional thinking, today’s leaders can revolutionize heartless corporate strategies that reward the few at the expense of the many.
Today, Datron World Communications is a multimillion-dollar, multicultural, international company with customers in more than eighty countries. That success is the result of the lessons taught in The Art of Servant Leadership II and proof that serving others with compassion and humility brings unprecedented rewards.
The Servant Leadership Journal
The SL Journal is much more than a book. It’s a tool that will help you learn and implement SL techniques by providing you with riveting content and journaling opportunities.
The journal teaches the nine behaviors that are necessary to grow into a servant leader. As you engage in the journaling process, you'll start to change your mindset about what leading means in both your personal and professional life. Educate yourself, understand where you are in your journey, apply those changes to your life and see a real difference in just 18 weeks.
Farmer Able
Farmer Able is a fable about the dangers of traditional top-down management techniques and how a dysfunctional organization can be turned around with SL.
Not only is this book educational and enlightening, it’s entertaining. It's a must-read for anyone interested in implementing the "serve first" mindset.
Learn more about all of our books, including Our Character at Work by Todd Hunter. Visit our online store or give us a call at (760) 707-3937 to learn more about how we can help you transform your organization’s culture.