Continuing To Be Able

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Conferences are interesting experiences, aren’t they? They provide you with a multitude of new ideas, introduce you to new people and provide a break in your routine. But there is one big problem with attending a conference — you have to return to work! That time of trading ideas or discussing the challenges you’re facing is gone and you’re back into the fires you left for a few precious days.

How can you make Servant Leader Conference 2019 last in real ways? Here are some ideas that might be useful even if you weren’t able to attend the conference:

  • Take a closer look at the servant leadership behaviors we teach. Reflect on how you might incorporate one or two into your life over the next six months. You can find them on our website:  If you would prefer to listen to a podcast, you can listen to “An Overview of the Nine Behaviors of a Servant Leader”. Listen here.

  • Investigate a topic that affects your leadership ability, like how the brain works. There are many books available on the subject, but one we particularly like is Your Brain at Work by David Rock.

  • Find out more about the kindness movement in Olivia McIvor’s book, The Business of Kindness.

And, probably the simplest yet very effective way to keep the conference alive in your mind is to share about it. Tell your colleagues and your family and friends what you experienced and the impact it had on you. In this small way, you keep the message of servant leadership alive and spreading in our world. Are you able to sow the seeds of servant leadership? We say absolutely YES!